a walk in the forest of Pertouli

A family photograph in the countryside. A walk in the beautiful forest of Pertouli mountain.  Maybe the best option we could do. Some family photos full of freshness and liveliness !. Nature and trees complement our images and scenery on an excursion that we will remember !.

Influenced by the scenery of nature that we had chosen, photography also moved. The tall trees were our hiding places and the alternations of light through our branches helped us to have a special, spontaneous effect. A family photograph in the countryside – a game that I think has brought to mind all of us the well-known …

Project Details


οικογενειακές φωτογραφίες στο Φλοίσβο | family photoshootingfamily photography in Flisvos | Athens
γάμος στην κέρκυραengagement photography in Corfu

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