the wedding day arrived, and with all the friends for the preparation of the bride and groom.

043 wedding accessories
045 wedding accessories
047 wedding accessories
044 wedding accessories
048 bride groom preparation
054 bride groom preparation
050 bride groom preparation
051 bride groom preparation
052 bride groom preparation
055 bride groom preparation
056 bride groom preparation
058 bride groom preparation
059 bride groom preparation
061 bride groom preparation
062 bride groom preparation
063 bride groom preparation
064 bride groom preparation
065 bride groom preparation
068 bride groom preparation
070 bride groom preparation
069 bride groom preparation

St. Nikitas – Lefkada

The chapel, St. Nikitas in the homonymous area, the decor harmoniously tied to the environment and expect our bride comes walking course, with the accompaniment of songs Constantine and Michael … I think at that time, even the tourists participated in this marriage …

078 were come the bride
079 were come the bride
082 were come the bride
072 stolismos gamou
073 stolismos gamou
076 stolismos gamou
077 were come the bride
085 were come the bride
086 were come the bride
088 were come the bride
089 were come the bride
084 were come the bride
092 were come the bride
090 were come the bride
093 were come the bride
095 were come the bride
096 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
098 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
100 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
099 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
104 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
097 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
102 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
105 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
110 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
106 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
107 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
111 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
108 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
109 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
112 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
113 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
115 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
116 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
117 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
118 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
119 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
121 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
123 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
124 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
126 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos
125 St Nikitas Leykada wedding photos

continue to next page with the great party and the day after shooting

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